PRESSTECK S.P.A. - We start where others give up.


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Pressteck is one of the leading manufacturers of precision deep-drawn parts on multiple die transfer presses, and currently employs more than 100 workers. We manufacture made-to-order parts and assemblies in line with customer specifications. We practise customer service throughout the entire service life of your products. At Pressteck, all processes are optimally organised and certified. From material supply and production right up to needs-based delivery, we ensure prompt provision. Single-use, reusable and special packaging. Specific specialised solutions are possible upon consultation. Pressteck primarily processes stainless steels and non-ferrous metals. The manufactured products are exported worldwide. Pressteck uses metal products that are easily recyclable. The processes follow strict specifications to protect nature and the environment. Leading manufacturers rely on Pressteck. How about you?

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Wir haben eine neue Website! Informativer, interessanter und moderner - Neben den Veränderungen in Optik und Technik haben wir auch frische Inhalte für Sie aufbereitet. Unsere neue Website spiegelt nun viel besser wider, was wir tun, für wen wir es tun und wer wir sind. Schauen Sie es sich an und sehen Sie, was man mit Tiefziehen alles machen kann!



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Friedrich-Stroh-Strasse 7

71522 Backnang - Germania

Nr. de TVA

Informații companie


  • Efectiv
    101 – 200


  • Anul crearii
  • Activitate principala
    Fabricant/ producator

Informații comerciale

Zone comerciale

  • Check Circle Outline icon International

Zone de livrare

Activități ale PRESSTECK S.P.A.

  • Laminarea otelurilor si a metalelor
  • Deep-drawn parts
  • Pharmaceutical primary packaging
  • Metal forming through deep drawing
  • Pressed parts
  • Forming technology
  • Drawn parts
  • Containers for packaging purposes
  • Deep-drawn aluminium parts
  • Deep-drawn stainless steel parts