Belgia, Zelzate
...La Record-Trans, ne străduim să facem transportul dumneavoastră internațional cât mai fluid posibil. Profesioniștii noștri experimentați vă ghidează pe parcursul întregului proces, de la manipularea mărfurilor și documentație până la gestionarea formalităților vamale, respectând termene stricte.
...Hamann International Logistics dispune de un depozit de distribuție de 3.750 m² și un depozit logistic încălzit de 5.750 m², cu o capacitate de 7.000 de locuri pentru paleți (extensibil într-o perioadă scurtă de timp). Paleții cu o înălțime de 2,2 m pot fi stocați aici. Depozitele sunt echipate cu o instalație de stropire la nivelul paleților și cu 23 de platforme de încărcare și descărcare...
ufs.country_names.RU, Moscow
...ALBERANI LOGISTICS efectuează transport internațional de marfă pe cale rutieră în următoarele direcții: - țările din Europa de Vest și de Est: Germania, Austria, Italia, Spania, Franța, Marea Britanie, Belgia, Olanda, Polonia, Republica Cehă, Slovacia, Ungaria, țările baltice etc.; - țările CSI: Belarus, Moldova etc.; - Asia Centrală: Turkmenistan, Kazahstan, Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan, Kârgâzstan...
Regatul Unit, Worcester
... din Regatul Unit către Gibraltar a crescut. Acceptăm toate tipurile de marfă, de la cutii la încărcături complete. Inclusiv orice echipament mare care necesită remorci cu platformă, remorci cu încărcare joasă și semi-remorci cu încărcare joasă. Insight Trans Logistics poate gestiona, de asemenea, documentația necesară pentru import și export. De peste 15 ani, Insight a dezvoltat o reputație de...
Regatul Unit, Dudley
... expedierea bunurilor pentru clienții lor. Suntem membri atât ai Institutului Chartered de Logistică și Transport, cât și ai Institutului de Export și Comerț Internațional, astfel că suntem actualizați în mod regulat cu aceste schimbări legislative și putem asigura livrarea fără probleme a bunurilor dumneavoastră.
Produse corespunzătoare
Transport de Marfă
Transport de Marfă
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Suedia, Bandhagen
Felda Logistics este partenerul tău de încredere pentru soluții logistice cuprinzătoare și eficiente. Ne specializăm în transport internațional și ne asigurăm că bunurile tale sunt livrate în siguranță și la timp, fie că sunt livrate prin transport rutier, maritim sau aerian. Expertiza noastră în expediție și gestionarea vamală ne permite să navigăm fără probleme transporturile peste granițe...
România, Oradea
... itemsMotorcyclesFurniture transportLoads for vans Available trucks and vans Transportation available Dedicated web platform for transport also has many utilities for logistics companies.Buy and sell trucks and vans, Search on an interactive map of sales offers and loads for trucks and vans.See live on the interactive map the state of traffic on the roads of Europe, all incidents such as accidents, blocked roads, detours, works and delay time.
... motivated existing achievements and prospects.We give you back time!Efficient transport and logistics! We are also an international firm based in Bucharest,Romania, that deals with the acquisition,processing,industrialization, commercialization and distribution of walnuts in many countries of Europe.Considerig your field of activity we thought that you would be interested in buying walnuts kernel given our excellent prices. In the hope of future collaboration,we are waiting for your answer . Thanks,...
România, Lumina , Constanta
... or from the northern ports such as Rotterdam, Antwerp, Bremen, Bremenhaven and inland depots on the Rhine in Germany. We are an experienced and driven team and have the necessary knowledge and experience to guarantee good service. Perfect service at a competitive rate. We distinguish ourselves by good communication and offering more service. In addition to the correct delivery of our logistics...
România, Bucharest
... permanently its resources, knowledge and skills in the field of International Transport and Shipments.FlexibilityBeing a mid-level company in Romania, we can easily adapt to our customers' transportation requirements. By flexibility in the trade relations, we organize shipments for companies in various industries (textiles and garments on hangers, consumer goods, electronics, Hi-Tech, personal care products, household, furniture, mechanical and spare parts).Specialized ServicesWe are recognized today by a great number of garment manufacturers in Romania, as reliable partners in organizing the shi...
..." webpage. LOGISTICS & STORAGE We own a modern warehouse, equipped with all the necessary equipments needed for handling the cargos arrived either by road or railway freights. Our warehouse is under special...
Franța, Paris
... Logistics vă pune la dispoziție o gamă completă de opțiuni pentru a asigura eficiența și economia expedierii mărfurilor dumneavoastră. Înțelegem importanța siguranței bunurilor, de aceea acordăm o atenție deosebită acestui aspect, garantând astfel protecția mărfurilor dumneavoastră pe parcursul întregului traseu. Economia și eficiența sunt în centrul abordării noastre. Datorită experienței...
...Logistics & Forwarding Services: Dedicated professionals specialised in FTL/LTL as well as FCL/LCL, rail or air deliveries throughout Romania and Europe. Services: Domestic and International FTL & LTL Solutions, Airfreight Solutions, FCL & LCL Seafreight Services, Freight forwarding services. The company has been founded in 2011 and is certified as a member of the WPA logistics network since 2012. ...
România, Otopeni
... shipments! * Lucky Key Forwarding is part of an international network represented by strong and professional freight forwarding companies, so all of our shipments are entirely controlled from origin to their final destinations. We have you covered for your import and export...
... activity is represented by transport and distribution. We also currently own 6 logistics spaces at national level, in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Brasov, Oradea, Timisoara and Bacau. We are looking to expand our business with partners who want to distribute and sell goods throughout the country.
...with professional consultation and integration.Since 2012 working our enterprise in the following branches as a commercial service provider:Pallets Logistics and TradeImport exportIT ComponentsIT Business System...
România, Drobeta Turnu Severin
NEO SPEDITION mission is to provide transport and logistics solutions, reliable, fast, perfectly adapted to the needs of each of our clients.
România, Oradea
GLOBAL LOGISTIC LLC Oradea aims of providing transport services and international freight services, logistics, warehousing and handling goods., Including preparation and submission of statements Intrastat.Through its work GLOBAL LOGISTIC LLC wants to fill a market segment, internal transport and international. Global LogisticGlobal Logistic We are trying constantly to bring new services offered...
România, Vaslui
... charge, and it allows its members to post their free trucks or loads in the system, while also actively searching for matching transport offers based on some advanced filters. The freight exchange offers access to both local and international routes, covering all European continent. Once registered in the system, its members can search contact each other using an integrated system of communication from regular phone calls to online chat. Members can also participate in the rating certification which lets them rate their business partners based on the freights booked through the platform.
România, Cluj Napoca
... support starting with cloud, servers, mobile devices, and robots as well. Our clients are located mainly in production, distribution, transportation, and medical areas, developing solutions for industry horizontals and verticals. Our products are targeting the process of gathering orders, production planning, sales, warehousing, and logistics, recurrent processes, fluxes improvement, and automation. We are on the market since 2000, our clients being national and international entities acting in the above mentioned areas...
România, Bucharest
...etc.), Fixed Phones (1-4 numbers), Mobile phones (1-4 numbers), Fax, Email (1-3 adress), Web. Financial Data according to Ministry of Finance (Indicators BALANCE SHEET, Indices PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT, Net Turnover and Gross, TOTAL INCOME, TOTAL EXPENSES, Gross and net profit or loss, Profit, Loss, Average number of employees, Type of activity, according to NACE (CAEN) classification. The international database contains over 120 million international companies from both EU and non-EU space and over 350 million individuals.
România, Cluj-Napoca
...telecommunications, logistics and engineering sector for creating tailor-made solutions for its clients. Intertrust Consulting provides its clients professional and expert services in a wide range of services related to M &A, Real Estate, Investments and Management services, just to mention a few. Intertrust Consulting is now recognized as one of the well established consulting firms in the region. Intertrust Consulting has also developed services and products for the advertising industry and in the e-commerce sector.
România, Bucuresti
... containers to any port in the world, but the most competitive service is China-Romania. Each international transport is carried out under the direct supervision of REM LINE TRANSPORTER dispatchers so that the goods reach the safest conditions at destination.Air Freight OperationsREM LINE TRANSPORTER offers worldwide air freight solutions for both imported and exported goods using both the most...
Italia, Mantova
Paganella este specializată în transportul intermodal, depozitare și consultanță logistică. Certificată ISO, are o organizație care acoperă întregul teritoriu european. Oferă serviciul de transport al produselor solide vrac, lichide și gazoase, ambalate și paletizate, precum și serviciul de depozitare (fiscală și vamală) cu stocarea materialelor ambalate și vrac în depozitele proprii certificate S...
...Established in 1994, AEO and ISO 9002 (Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance). IBT succeeded to provide over the years at top quality and competitive costs a wide range of transportation and logistics services. Connecting with our groupage network in Romania you will benefit of the flexibility of our own fleet, routes being carefully planned with scheduled departures at competitive rates.
...DENICAR EXPRESS& LOGISTICS deals with national and international freight transport. We guarantee individual transport and logistic services at the highest level, very competitive rates and a quality service to meet your expectations. Automotive We have been assisting our clients, as carriers, in meeting their complex and urgent international transport needs for over 7years, in automotive industry...
România, Bucharest
Fan Logistic Group is a young and dynamic organization with an experience of over 20 years in the business of the road transport, maritime, air freight, complex logistics systems, storage and distribution activities, customs clearance and cargo specific projects.The most important aspect is to the crowd all clients through professionalism, promptness and inter-human relationship that is created...
România, Ludus
¿Largo? ¿Amplio? ¿Alto? y también pesado? ¡Cuanto más grande, mejor! ¡Le ofrecemos servicios premium, pero le garantizamos el mejor precio! Si obtiene un mejor precio, le ofreceremos un descuento que duplica la diferencia. Si se está preguntando qué significa premium ... ¡Premium significa que utilizaremos el mejor equipo, siempre proporcionaremos la cantidad que necesita y transportaremos todo! ¡...
... calitate și cooperare de succes cu soluțiile practice pe care le-a dezvoltat, valorizează oamenii, își propune să combine reputația existentă cu noi valori în conformitate cu obiectivele sale viitoare în sector, iar activitatea sa se desfășoară la nivel mondial cu propriile vehicule. Am fi foarte bucuroși să facem o ofertă specială pentru a împărtăși cu dumneavoastră experiența Barva Logistics, care...

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